Luke 11:28 blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.

Saturday Soul Winning & Fellowship
Saturday, January 25th
Saturday, February 22nd
Saturday, March 29th
Saturday, April 26th
Saturday, May 31st
Saturday, June 28th
Saturday, July 26th
Saturday, August 30th
Saturday, September 27th
Saturday, October 25th
Saturday, December 27th
Spring Forward! - (Daylight Savings Begins)
Sunday, March 9th
Testimony Sunday
Sunday, April 13th
Holy Communion Service
Wednesday, April 16th
Easter Sunday
Sunday, April 20th
Church's 6th Anniversary
Sunday, April 27th
Memorial Day
Monday, May 26th
Mother's Day
Sunday, May 11th
Women's Fellowship Meeting
Saturday, May 17th
Children's Fellowship Day
Saturday, June 7th
Children's Day Service
Sunday, June 8th
Independence Day
Friday, July 4th
Annual Church Picnic
Saturday August 30th
Labor Day
Monday, September 1st
Men's Fellowship Meeting
Saturday, October 4th
Fall Back (Daylight Savings Ends)
Sunday, November 2nd
Sunday, November 27th
Christmas Carol & Picture Day
Sunday, December 7th
Christmas Eve Service (PM)
Wednesday, December 24th
Christmas Day
Thursday, December 25th
Father's Day
Sunday, June 15th